10.12.2024 16:07 [SIBERIA CAN CODE 🧊 - Frontend] 💌 POKETINDER nest + react, страница статистики (load more, pagination, search params) www.youtube.com
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19.11.2024 10:05 [SIBERIA CAN CODE 🧊 - Frontend] 💌 POKETINDER первая страница и сокеты, делаем приложение на nextjs www.youtube.com
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01.11.2024 14:26 [PurpleSchool | Anton Larichev] Обновления в Next.js 15: Миграция на React 19 и Новые Возможности www.youtube.com
25.10.2024 17:22 [JavaScript Mastery] Next.js 15 Crash Course | Build and Deploy a Production-Ready Full Stack App www.youtube.com
08.10.2024 09:10 [Traversy Media] Create A Booking App From Scratch | React, Next.js, Appwrite, Tailwind www.youtube.com
27.08.2024 12:43 [SIBERIA CAN CODE 🧊 - Frontend] 💌 POKETINDER создаем приложение с помощью next, создаем первую страницу www.youtube.com
24.08.2024 09:43 [SIBERIA CAN CODE 🧊 - Frontend] 💌 POKETINDER создаем приложение с помощью next app router www.youtube.com
17.08.2024 17:42 [developedbyed] Let's Build An AI Image/Video Editor | Next.js 14 Cloudinary Shadn/CN Zustand Server Actions www.youtube.com
15.08.2024 15:44 [PurpleSchool | Anton Larichev] Новости web разработки: TypeScript в Node.js, Nx 19.5, TS 5.6, State of React, NuxtUI 2.18 www.youtube.com
02.08.2024 16:24 [JavaScript Mastery] Build and Deploy 3 Modern Apps and Get Hired as Full Stack Developer Full 12-Hour Course www.youtube.com